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ICE believes that every person deserves to get a chance to change their tomorrow for good. The Vulnerable single mothers who were forced to go out to the street to beg & make a living to be able to raise their child/children deserve to get a chance to change their livelihood and their family's life once and for all through the support that they receive from our project. The main goal of the project is to give hope to these vulnerable mothers and to help them understand that their tomorrow can become bright and good if they are willing to change their attitude and willing to try. We work to build self-confidence through different training and also by giving entrepreneurship training to help them think of a business that they can engage in to make a living out of it. Through our Empowerment program, ICE provides skill training, and seed money to help a mother engage in self-help work that she can make a profit and support herself. Currently ICE is working to open a skill training center to these vulnerable women and to the neediest in the community to empower them gain tradable skill. Any donation and support to this cause is highly appreciable. To get more please email us.



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